Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Our first trip to the zoo

We went to the zoo some time in late May. It was a beautiful "cool" morning...perfect for the zoo. They loved every second of it. We read all kinds of books with animals in them so it was neat for them to see the animals alive, moving and BIG! Priceless.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sorry we've been gone for so long. Our home computer was having problems with the internet so I was unable to get any pictures for the blog. But have no fear, we are back.

We have been VERY busy.

Both kids are into climbing.

Love books

Honk, honk

We LOVE books.

Wipes, everywhere

No fear

Moving large items and taking things out of their container

They both LOVE to be outside.

More climbing

Playing in the kitchen

Daddy is singing "Old MacDonald had a farm".

Playing in the sprinkler

This is how I find them most mornings.